WHO'S ENGAGED???? wait...**ME!!!**
So..funny story for ya. One week ago today (July 21st to be exact) I went SKYDIVING! Crazy huh!? It was so exhilarating! I loved it. My boyfriend Danny knew that I always have wanted to go skydiving, so about a week or so before the 21st he randomly brought up that I should go skydiving soon. Like..really soon. I know. I should've probably caught on that there was a catch to why he was out of the blue wanting me to go NOW, but I was just so excited that he was willing to pay for me to go that I went ahead and agreed to it. Hehe. Hey, skydiving is expensive!
So the whole week before I'm supposed to free fall out of a plane I'm a ball of nervous excited energy. I can't really sleep too much, and I lose my appetite really quickly. Did I really just agree to strap myself to some stranger and be pushed out of a plane? Really?
Throughout the course of the week more and more people wanted to come watch me jump. My parents, His parents, my sister, his sister, and my grandpa. I know. Now I REALLY should've caught on to the fact that something really might be up. AND the fact that Danny wanted to go out to dinner afterward cuz "it would be fun to have both families together". But I didn't catch it. I was too nervous to really think of anything. The day arrives and I am so sick to my stomach. I'm not scheduled to jump til 6pm (which ended up being 7:40pm) so I have all day to wait. But I swear to you that I woke up and it was 6pm within a matter of 1 hour. We drive to the skydiving center, and after waiting around for the other groups to finish, I'm up. The guy who I'm going to be strapped to (turns out danny's family knows him pretty well, and that part was total coincidence) hands me a skydiving suit..and it doesn't fit. Now I know I'm not the skinniest thing on two legs, but come on! I've lost 50lbs! But no. It doesn't go over my butt. Stupid butt. So he hands me a second one. I can tell when he holds it up that it's even smaller, but I try it anyway to appease him. Nope. No luck. The 3rd try fits- barely. Turns out the one's that would fit me were being washed after someone threw up in them. Talk about helping my body image. really.
Okay so after a few pictures, we get into the plane. We get in first because I'm going to be the last to jump. Now of course I know why. But anyway, a miraculous thing happens when I get in this tiny plane- my nerves completely leave! This made the plane ride up ridiculously high much more enjoyable, which I'm glad for because the sky was GORGEOUS! Since we went later than we were supposed to, the sky was about an hour before sunset. perfect really. To sum up the jump..everyone jumps out, I'm the last, and we get to the door. He asks if I'm ready, I say yes, and before he can count to three we just fall! No time to try to be nervous. The free falling was so surreal. I loved it! I had a guy filming me until the parachute was pulled, then he went down fast to "film me landing". Little did I know that was the last of his worries.
So now we're kind of close to landing. Close enough for him to start explaining how we're going to land. Then he points to this big sign that is right by the spot that we're going to land, and asks if I can read it. I say yeah, but without really reading it. I figure he's just going to say that that is where we're going to land. But in those 2 seconds of thought I ACTUALLY read it, and it says MARRY ME! OH MY GOSH! of course this is what I start screaming over and over again, with the guy I'm strapped to laughing. After the initial shock of it all I start crying. But remember..I'm still skydiving. NOTE TO SELF- NEVER cry and skydive. The tears are flowing UP into my eyes and I have to gather myself to stop crying because I can no longer see anything. Hehe.
Well..we land, and Danny, all dressed up in a tux, comes running over to me (we didn't land as close to the sign as he would've hoped) with tears in his eyes because he can see that I'm crying. I'm shaking SO bad at this point; half from just seconds ago skydiving, and half from what I know is about to come. He tells me how much he loves me, that he wants to be with me for eternity, and gets down on one knee and asks me to marry him. Of course I say yes, and run up to hug him and kiss him! After a minute I tell him he can put the ring on me now. Hehe. My family runs over cheering and screaming, and lots of photos take place afterward. (and yes, we go to dinner to celebrate)
So pretty much...it was the craziest, emotionally exhausting day of my life. I felt just about every emotion possible that day. I don't know which was the biggest rush- sky diving, or getting proposed to! I can't wait to get married! No official date set yet- gotta go watch my best friend get married first! Yay! You know, sometimes life really can be this good. :)
If you read that much...goodness you're amazing! Now on to the pictures!
before: No clue what's about to happen.tiny plane I get to ride.
getting in!
crazy how high I am!
Gorgeous, right!?
meanwhile they're setting up. Danny is pacing. how cute. hehe. He was super nervous.
how handsome. :)
here I come! At this point I'm probably freaking out and crying.
ah!!hugging my papa :)
of course I had to play photographer with MY OWN ring! :)